UpCycle, 2022

Despite Collection 2023

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creatorId = 384
Sara Nune
200.00 USD
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Despite Collection 2023

Staged photography piece juxtaposing the avenues through which entropy acts in the biological world.

The physical objects that play a large role in women’s health & autonomy are often obscured from media presence. This practice is born from a culture of shame, secretiveness, & taboo undertones that shroud important truths about the female experience beneath a veil of manufactured congeniality. I feel a responsibility to incite & participate in discussions that normalize being a woman & uplift our access to human rights & reconnect us to the reality of our bodies. There is a dissociation felt between the experience of actually being a woman & the act of being a woman. I believe this break between presentation & lived experience is capitalized upon to deliver judgements & exert control over women’s choices. A human’s life is their own canvas & they deserve independent creative control over it. The freedom to decide where one’s creative energy is channeled is a fundamental right of human consciousness.
I repurposed an empty birth control package as a tiny plant nursery to illustrate the symbiosis between creative control & growth. I believe the most important role of consciousness in art & human history is the recognition of options & the ability to choose whichever path is best suited toward the vision one is working to achieve.

* This creation is framed

Sara Nune


Art – Sculpture

Graduation Year



United States


I am honored to call art my home. I connect deeply with the ever-flowing network of creativity in the world. Dancing with this rhythm has always felt like the most natural, honest thing in my life. I’m driven by the human desire to tinker with & contribute to reality.
Art is how I connect to my own humanity. I’ve been anchored back to earth by my creative process & then sent careening over everything I thought would always tower above me.
I’m thankful for the insight my projects have provided as I move through the phases of life.
My work functions as an outlet for the exploration of my own humanity. I take things deeply to heart, and to untangle these emotions, I often must have a complicated discussion with myself. The most effective method I’ve discovered for expressing difficult concepts is through experimental sculpture. When I create an image reflecting something my mind is warring with, I can see the layers of complexity & find beauty in the inexplicable divine patterns. I love to explore repetitions through nature & consider the impact of human consciousness upon the natural history of the world.

Go to Sara Nune's page

Measurements (Width X Height X Depth)

30 X 45 X .5 cm

11.81 X 17.72 X 0.2 Inch


0.09 kg

0.2 Lbs


Photographic Paper

This was a pretty tedious project, as I initially attempted to grow saplings from seed within the small bubble windows of the birth control package. This was extremely chaotic, as I had zero direction over which way the leaves sprouted up and the little plants got the dirt everywhere. Anyways I encroached upon their own rights to grow & resorted to transplanting them from a separate pot & placing them with tweezers into the plastic sockets. Maybe they’ll make an even tinier angsty project in retaliation.
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