Silverfish, 2023

Nose bridge micro-jewelry

creatorStatus = approvedfirst
creatorId = 384
Sara Nune
75.00 USD
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Nose bridge micro-jewelry

This creation is my own take on the bindi, which is significant to my cultural background in India. I was inspired by biomorphic science fiction creatures & insects in various films. I combined the insect-like structure with the shine of chrome to create a jewelry look that is both beautiful & a bit creepy crawly.

Sara Nune


Art – Sculpture

Graduation Year



United States


I am honored to call art my home. I connect deeply with the ever-flowing network of creativity in the world. Dancing with this rhythm has always felt like the most natural, honest thing in my life. I’m driven by the human desire to tinker with & contribute to reality.
Art is how I connect to my own humanity. I’ve been anchored back to earth by my creative process & then sent careening over everything I thought would always tower above me.
I’m thankful for the insight my projects have provided as I move through the phases of life.
My work functions as an outlet for the exploration of my own humanity. I take things deeply to heart, and to untangle these emotions, I often must have a complicated discussion with myself. The most effective method I’ve discovered for expressing difficult concepts is through experimental sculpture. When I create an image reflecting something my mind is warring with, I can see the layers of complexity & find beauty in the inexplicable divine patterns. I love to explore repetitions through nature & consider the impact of human consciousness upon the natural history of the world.

Go to Sara Nune's page

Measurements (Width X Height X Depth)

1 X 1.5 X .01 cm

0.39 X 0.59 X 0 Inch


0 kg

0 Lbs



I experimented by studying several symmetrical insect designs, making molds of my designs & determining the best shapes for jewelry that can accentuate the face without overwhelming it.
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